The school

In 1994 Abba Toon started to build a school in Dharittoo. At first, 4 grades were built. After getting support from the French organization "Freres d'esperance", he was able to build the 5th and 6th grade classrooms.
In 2007 he continued builing the 7th and 8th grade classrooms. He wanted Dharittoo to be proud of a good school with 8th grades.
In 2008 a dining room for the students will be built with support of
the foundation Kune Zuva from the Netherlands (see:
As Abba Toon's family we appreciate it very much that Abba Toon's work
is continued with support of this foundation.
Here you can see some pictures of the school buildings and area.
More pictures can be found on 'day 6' of 'Our visit'.